Saturday 26 November 2011

"You Win Some, You Lose Some... Always by Your Own Tongue"

This is one of my mother's favourite sayings, and I will admit, it holds a lot of merit.  This society has such a 'dog eat dog' mentality that the moment you show vulnerability in truth telling, you're dog meat!  Being honest is something that I have always tried to practice at home, at school and at work.  Unfortunately being honest has more of a negative effect than a positive one.  Think about it, you find $20 on the floor and give people around you opportunity to claim it, if someone does you're out $20, if you kept your mouth shut you'd be up $20.  People in today take advantage of each other more so than they did in the past (in my opinion, I don't know for sure as I haven't been around that long), but if chivalry is dead than I think it is safe to assume that kindness is as rare as a good tipper at HOEs.

I will admit that the generation that I grew up in was pretty messed up (rude, uncouth and irritating), but the generation that is right behind me (kids in their 20's) are horrible.  Walking through the halls of my school is like walking through the set of an episode of Jersey Shore, what a joke!  Kids don't know how to pull up their pants, are they not aware of what belts are these days?  Do they not have any fashion sense?  Don't bother to tell me that this is "cool", because I would put you in the same category as those plaid Fruit of the Loom idiots.  One day, as I so enjoy being honest, I told a kid walking in front of me, "you know, if you pulled up your pants you'd be able to walk faster and I could get to my class without being offended by the sight of your ass."  I know I should've been a poet; the kid looked at me, did a side shuffle and moved out of my way; I rolled my eyes and continued walking.  The same day I had a young guy walking in front of me, he opened the door and walked through, I had to grab the door to avoid getting my already aching body hit by it; then again (double door entrance); I piped up again, (I was on a roll on that day) "Hey!  Welcome to *insert school's name here*, we hold doors open for people around here."  The kid looks at me, do these people realize that they aren't alone on this planet?

The ignorance that floods the streets of this city is unreal, the fact that people are plugged into something (be it an iPod, cell phone, BlueTooth, anything) that allows them to be transported to another world during their travels is mind boggling.  They are literally clueless as to what is going on around them and careless of the people that surround them.  I know that I am only 32, but what if I was 60 or 70 or in a wheelchair?  Would that make a difference?  Good idea for a social experiment... maybe I'll think about that and see if I could get my hand on a wheelchair for a day and try to get around the city.  Again I digress.

Today was an annoying day at work, I am pretty sure it was backlash from the honesty that I gave my boss at HOEs a couple of weeks ago, and they say men don't hold grudges... bah!  I told my manager (the GM) that he underestimated me and my capabilities as a server.  I have been at that location for 2 years and he for 2 months.  When he told me that he's been in the 'business' longer, I told him to remember that he was younger than me and should watch his tone (I know I have the nerve), this was then followed by a "I'm the General Manager" guffaw and I told him that he should unpack his bags from his power trip.  There is a reason why we don't have a name on the door under the "General Manager" decal, they are never around long enough to allow the glue to dry.  The restaurant would save a lot of money on business cards if they just had those fill in the General Manager lines or maybe the ever famous "Hi My Name is... General Manager for the month" name badges. So due to this little dialogue, he decided to give me only 2 lunch shifts this week and cut me after 2 hours, what a wanker!  I'm just killing time until the new guy shows up, we don't know when but its inevitable, they never last that long at HOEs.

They didn't lie when they said the truth hurts, everyone hurts when they're told the truth about what people think of them or about what is wrong in a situation or about how their dog died; but what needs to be remembered is that the truth is something that eventually will come out.  Why hide it, whether I am going to get you out of your hiding spot or someone else, the truth will come out.  I think where people get all huffy puffy about the truth remains in the position in which people see themselves in society; a boss telling an employee that they are not performing well is considered socially acceptable, but the minute an employee tells a manager that they are doing a lousy job at managing they are 'crossing the line' and will most likely be fired.  This was a democratic country the last time I checked and we also have this wonderful human right called the freedom of speech.

WOW!!  I feel all liberated now, I have never used the "I have rights" card.  I think I'm going to go and burn my bras now.

Nite y'all

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