Monday 21 November 2011

Welcome to My Blog...

Day 1 in the Blog-osphere and I must say I am really excited about embarking on this adventure...

As an introduction I would just like to clarify that I am not literally a 32 year old grandmother.  I am a mother of a 13 year old daughter, but the roads that have led me to my life today have been far from the most scenic; but boy have they been adventurous.  I am sure that they will all come out in this blogging journey eventually.

The 'grandma' nickname was a term of endearment that my 43 year old brother christened me with last year.  He would pick on me when I would leave social events early to go to bed or declining an invitation to go out on a Friday night for a night in with my book.  The realization that I was really 'old' and not acting my age was when my daughter found out that while she is away at camp for the weekend, I'm swapping recipes or crochet patterns with my mother;  instead of getting drunk with my friends, I'm sipping tea by the gallon in my pajamas.

Now I know what you're thinking, "wow this blog is going to be boring," I beg to differ.  I can almost guarantee that my web stories will keep you entertained; whether you believe the stories to be fact or fiction, I assure you, my dear readers, that what you will read will be 100% fact.

I dated a guy once, (which is a story in and of itself, I won't bore you with the gloomy details as he bored me with the relationship) who said to me, "If I didn't see it happening for myself I wouldn't believe the stories to tell me."  True story!  This was said to me after my world came crashing down after spending 2 years and $8000 in college working on an Early Childhood Education diploma.  I failed one subject by 3% and after 2 appeals was still denied graduation.  C'est la vie!  I digress.

This blog will be mainly about the new adventures that I am currently embarking on.  I am in the third year of my business degree and I work in a restaurant as a server.  I often call my place of employment 'hell on earth,' so for the purpose of this blog we will call it "HOEs Place," a double entendre if you'd like as I too often call the patrons of this restaurant when they tip me $2 on a $30 bill.  Also I recently started another job working in an establishment that offers accommodations to out of town guests.  Even though I have not yet been there long, I feel the stories coming with brute force; we will refer to this job as "The Inn."  I can hardly wait!!

For anonymity I will keep my name and the real names of my friends out of this blog.  As they read it though, I know they will know who they are. :)

I hope this was an interesting enough pilot to get your interest flowing, as for what's next, you'll have to log on and see for yourselves.

It's 8pm now, I am logging off to go make myself a big cup of tea and read a book for an hour before I head off to bed.

Nighty night

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